

Transparent and Flexible:

The WAGO Building Cloud Services License Model

Try it without obligation and discover the advantages!

Looking for precisely tailored licenses? Then get to know the world of WAGO Building Cloud Services and test our transparent license model without obligation. The special feature: Most licenses are available free of charge with small functional limitations and are ideal for testing. Depending on your needs, you can select the desired license type from the areas of Building Management, Alarming and Ticketing, and Energy Management and only purchase what is actually needed. Learn more now!

Flexible Building Management

Get to know our wide selection of Building Management licenses and benefit from maximum flexibility.

Modern Alarming and Ticketing

Thanks to the clear operation, it has never been so easy to manage complex alarm scenarios. Find the right licenses now and be ready for any situation!

Optimized Energy Management

Achieve the ideal energy management according to your requirements, which creates transparency and shows potential for optimization. For maximum efficiency!

License Model – Free Versions and Packages


Building Management

Visualizations, measured value diagrams

  • Measured values from the last 7 days
  • 100 data points
  • Measured values up to 10 years
  • Number of data points (25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000)

Alarming and Ticketing

Limit value monitoring, alarm escalation

  • Limit value and failure monitoring
  • 1 alarm chain with 1 user via email
  • 100 data points
  • Unlimited alarm chains with all features
  • Number of data points (25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000)

Energy Management

Special widgets, complex calculations

  • Measured values from the last 3 months
  • 10 data points


  • Measured values up to 10 years
  • Number of data points (25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000)

Environmental Reporting

Reports for properties and portfolios

  • Currently not available
  • Number of properties can be selected

Building Management

Professional engineering tools??
Scalable vector graphics in HTML5??
Custom shapes and connecting lines (such as Visio)??
Predefined shape library??
Overlayable master pages??
Shape designer, SVG import/export??
Automatic data point assignment??
IoT shapes for special devices??
Schematics, manuals, diagrams, etc. in document management??
Certified BACnet? explorer (B-AWS)??
Detailed rights and access management??
Limitation of the Building Cloud Edge Computer data points100No restriction
Limitation of data points per LPN/IoT device2No restriction
Historical trends7 days10 years

Alarming and Ticketing

Professional engineering tools??
Flexible response times and repetitions??
Emergency alarm??
Spontaneous and time-controlled test alarms??
Delayed evaluation??
Promote to deadline??
Alarm escalation repeated??
PDF reporting??
Push notification via mobile app??
Collaboration across multiple mandates-Mandates
Number of users of the escalation1Unlimited
Limitation of the Building Cloud Edge Computer data points100No restriction
Limitation of data points per LPN/IoT device2No restriction
SMS transmission-?

Energy Management

Professional engineering tools??
Graphical formula editor??
Automatic unit conversion??
Electrical industry substitute method??
Plausibility check??
Powerful energy management widgets??
Savings meter with Behavior Analysis??
HTML5 slide show??
Data import from the power plants??
Mobile app for manual meter reading with QR codes (offline/online)??
Data acquisition from control systems??
Limitation of the Building Cloud Edge Computer data points10No restriction
Limitation of data points per LPN/IoT device2No restriction
Historical trends7 days10 years

Additional information


  • All data point-based licenses are calculated per Building Cloud Edge Computer (Beetle) or PFC200.

Possibility of a test position for interested parties in preparation:

  • Building Cloud Edge Computer (Beetle)
  • Test account in the cloud
  • Time limited

Engineering licenses for the implementation phase in projects:

  • Required license packages are provided free of charge for up to 6 months (no one-time costs accrue during this period)
  • Only the monthly subscriptions are incurred according to the license packages.
