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IoT & Edge Computing

Perfectly Use Data in the Field

Intelligent processes are requiring more and more computing power, placing corresponding demands on databases directly in the field. WAGO offers the right hardware for any edge application.

When real-time data is involved, data processing has become increasingly important. More and more computing power is needed, placing corresponding demands on databases, as well as analysis and optimization algorithms, directly in the field. WAGO offers the Edge Controller and Edge Computer as solutions. These devices process applications right on the machine, offloading the controllers so they can focus on their actual control duties with low latency and a high level of determinism.

A major user benefit for cross-regional or global applications is smartly operating a device or its applications from the cloud.

Alexander Janzen, Product Management Controller & HMI

Easy Cloud Connection

Transferring data from machines and plants directly into a cloud solution is often too resource-intensive and cannot be implemented due to the short latency times required in the industrial environment. Edge computing has established itself as a concept that combines the advantages of decentralized cloud architectures with those of a local network architecture.

Collected data can be evaluated directly on the Edge Devices, displayed graphically, and made available to WAGO Cloud, for example. Transfer may be appropriate for especially critical data, for instance. Both new devices have additional advantages when data needs to be temporarily buffered, for instance, in mobile applications. They are based on cabinet-compatible hardware and can be powered with 24 V, making them a perfect fit for the automation environment.

Control Cabinet Level

Factory Level

How to: Deploy Docker containers quickly and easily

Container virtualization via Docker? opens up the possibility of isolating applications from local infrastructure and thus providing software more quickly, easily and securely. How can the advantages of Docker? be exploited even more easily with edge computing?

In the video, Jonathan Malessa, OPC Router Team Leader at inray, and Michael Drost, WAGO System Consultant for Industry, demonstrate the procedure: They run the WAGO PFC200 Controller together with the OPC router as a Docker? container on a single WAGO Edge Computer. Instead of having to be installed on its own dedicated server in the network, the OPC router is simply deployed as a Docker? container on the Edge computer and is immediately ready to run. The advantages of this solution are obvious: In addition to the costs for the hardware, it eliminates the effort for installation, maintenance, updates and ensuring security. Take a look!

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More about IoT and Edge Computing

Industrial Cloud

Unlike the business or private cloud, the industrial cloud is highly specialized to map industrial applications: It is about networking controllers and digitalizing processes, machines, systems and buildings (assets). Above all, flexible solutions are required because the asset data must often be communicated into a different, predetermined infrastructure.


When it comes to optimizing your own machines or systems, the challenge is usually improving and quantifying process knowledge and transferring results back into the process. WAGO Analytics, a Minden-based company, supports users on the path from data acquisition to analysis and provides intuitive visualization of the dependencies within systems.


IoT Partner Network

The WAGO IoT partner network combines different capabilities into one ecosystem and jointly creates end-to-end customer solutions. Our WAGO IoT Partners complement our WAGO Cloud, cloud connectivity, IoT gateways and controllers. This compatibility enables us to always provide a solution that meets your project's requirements.
