
WAGOdirect Building: Don’t Miss Out!

WAGOdirect Building – the Magazine for Building Technology

Our free WAGOdirect Building customer magazine keeps you updated on the latest in building technology. With each issue, WAGOdirect Building provides news you can use – online or in printed form. Get valuable information on upcoming industrial requirements and challenges, as well as helpful insights about how our customers have carried out successful building projects, ranging from conventional renovation projects to smart building implementations.

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WAGOdirect Building at a Glance

  • For facility managers, planners, system integrators and electrical installers
  • With interesting solutions for building installation and automation applications
  • With practical tips for successful lighting, room and energy management and for HVAC technology
  • Always Up to Date

Read the current issue now!

The new WAGOdirect Building includes exciting reports, interviews and projects related to “Smart Green Buildings.” Enjoy browsing through the new issue.

Smart Green Buildings: Building More Efficiently

The building sector is facing a major challenge: It needs to become more energy efficient. Appropriate technology already exists – but we are not yet sufficiently exploiting the potential for savings across the board. Therefore, we have examined how building automation and installation in general contribute to green building approaches, how intelligent controllers can make state-of-the-art lighting even more energy efficient and what technical developments support overall efficiency through the lifecycle of a building. You can now find answers and practical examples in our current WAGOdirect Building.

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Lighting Management for Greater Comfort and Efficiency

In large logistics centers, goods need be stored in very tight spaces and sorted perfectly. For that to work, storage systems need optimal illumination. Because lighting accounts for one of the largest energy consumers in these buildings, an intelligent lighting management system with a professional design is essential. It all comes down to energy-efficient concepts, sophisticated automation programs and reliable hardware. Read how KEC has developed an optimal solution with WAGO technology.


Building Automation Drives Efficiency and Innovation

Are sustainability, the energy transition and climate protection essential components of your company’s philosophy? The Wilo Group, one of the world’s leading premium providers of pumps and pump systems embodies this philosophy. One ambitious construction project, the innovative Wilopark facility, is tackling these issues head-on and achieving these goals. Building automation plays a key role in this project.


Building Automation – the Key to the Green Building?

A greener building sector with the lowest possible energy consumption, minimal resource waste and a high level of comfort – these are the goals of current efforts in many countries on both a national and international level. In this connection, the topic of building automation is attracting more and more attention. But how much does intelligent building control really have to do with greater energy efficiency?
